
Raw Talent

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of being the official photographer for the Sushi Masters Competition held at the Alliance Francaise de Miami.  As a lover of sushi myself, I was amazed at the creations these chefs came up with.  I thought I'd share a few pictures of the event.

If you've ever seen Iron Chef on television, it would give you a good idea of the atmosphere and the type of exciting event this was.  Four master sushi chefs;  Nestor Espartero of Sushi Bistro Ocala, Tareshi Kamoira of Tokyo Sushi, Toshi Furihata of Moshi Moshi and Hiro Asano of Abokado Sushi, competed against each other and a 45 minute time-clock.  The results then go to a panel of judges where modern style, presentation, technical skills and taste were judged.

Toshi Furihata of Moshi Moshi claimed the $2,500 prize and will now compete at the finals in Los Angeles.