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There are many ways to travel and the idea of travel is different for everyone. However, the more I travel the more I appreciate the small places "off the beaten path." The kind of places where you can shop locally, prepare your own fresh meals with locally purchased meats, fruits and vegetables. Places where you can interact with the locals, get to know them, laugh with them and share your stories. I definitely don't get to do it as often as I would like. When work is good, I'm usually off to a location, where I work very long hours, then head back home on the earliest flight. Not many clients want to pay for my time venturing out. However, I'm open to the idea, if they are...I promise to create great images!
I took these shots in Jamaica for a client who understands the need for a place you can truly get away. For the tourist who wants something off that beaten path. For the adventurous tourist who doesn't want the typical, sterilized resort experience. Where the pool feels like your own, overlooking the blue Caribbean. Where the service is understated, personal and you're left to absorb your surroundings in splendid isolation. It's a place a little bit bohemian where you can get lost for awhile. A place to hide awhile.
Sight unseen, we employed this model on a suggestion from the client. A local waitress and model. She worked perfectly. Pure luck.
The model by the pool with the umbrellas, and that shot of the bike, are simply stunning! Nice job!